Most Important Year-End Tips To Increase Your Tax Refunds
Most Important Year-End Tips To Increase Your Tax Refunds
A quick look at the calendar and you will realize, this year has come to an end. And even before you realize, the tax season will be close. Instead of rushing during that time, you can take a few simple steps this holiday season to reduce your tax liabilities and increase your tax refunds. Most Important Year-End Tips To Increase Your Tax Refunds.
1.Retirement Planning
Planning for your retirement is a great way to add funds for your retirement and make handsome savings in the form of taxes for the current financial year. You can take the help of either traditional IRA or 401(k) to contribute to your retirement planning. Self-employed individuals can save up to 25% of their income under SEP IRA up to a maximum of $56,000 for the current year.
If you have been planning to take some classes to improve your skillset, this might be the best time to enroll. You can start with enrollment and make the payments for the next quarter by the 31st of December. This will help you get some valuable tax credits of up to $2,000 with the help of Lifetime Learning Credit.
Taxpayers who have FSA or Flexible Spending Account, it might be the right time to give your doctor a visit. While there is no hard and fast rule to use the FSA amount but there might not be a lot of benefits in keeping the amount as well. You can only carry forward $500 to the next year. The FSA plans usually allow subscribers to use these funds for up to 2 and a half months in the next year.
4.Charitable Donations
You can make this holiday season a little bit better for the people who are in need. If there are any unused household items or clothes, you can donate them to the less fortunate. Such donations can help you reduce your tax liability, provided you donate to qualified charitable organizations and if you itemize the items. Alternatively, if you volunteer for charitable organizations, you can claim the miles that you drove at 14 cents for each mile driven.
5.Shuffle your Investments
Some investments in your portfolio might not have performed as you expected them to. Investments that have gone down in their value can help you reduce your tax liabilities. You can use the loss to offset the gains that you have received from other investments. However, you must sell the loss-making investments to offset them with the profit-making ones. Should your losses exceed the profits, you can use up to $3,000 against your income.
6.Defer Any bonuses
Taxpayers expecting a year-end bonus for the hard work that they have put in, might find themselves in a spot. The bonus might push you to another tax bracket or increase your tax liability by a healthy margin. If you can, do speak with your boss to deter the bonus to January of next year. This way, you won’t have to taxes for the bonus in the current year.
7.Other Dependent Credit
Taxpayers supporting their grandparents or parents, or other loved ones can benefit from Other Dependent Credit. If they qualify to be non-child dependents, you can claim the Other Dependent Credit. You can claim up to $500 under this category and receive dollar by dollar reduction in your taxes.This tax credit is relatively new and not many taxpayers use it.
Each dollar that you save is a dollar that you earn. Using the above methods, you can save takes on your income and boost your tax returns as well.
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